
Inspiration for your soul.



Planetary Synchronised Breath of Bliss Ceremonies


Create world peace in 2 hours!

Join the first Planetary Synchronised Breath of Bliss breathe-a-thon happening simultaneously in 14 cities around the globe on Saturday, January 20! 

Bring friends, family, neighbours and strangers you find along the way. Inspire real connection inside yourself and within your community. Wipe out numbness, anxiety and stress while you enjoy practices to help you feel more open, present and loving.

100% of the profit will be donated to local charities! Help those in need by giving more than the suggested donation if you can. No one turned away for lack of funds, so join us no matter what!

All our Breath of Bliss Facilitators are Global Coherence Initiative Ambassadors of the Heart Math Institute (CMI). CMI has done scientific research showing that when groups of people come together with a shared intention, a more coherent energy wave is created and amplified in the global field environment.

Doing synchronised Breath of Bliss ceremonies in...

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How to Open Your Heart with Breathwork

What does it mean to “open the heart”?  We hear this phrase over and over again in spiritual communities, however the answer may seem elusive or down right confusing because it is such an individual journey. So, here are some ways Breath of Bliss conscious breathwork can open your heart and expand your understanding of the concept.  

While there is no guaranteed or prescribed way to open the heart fast, the most common response from those experiencing breathwork is feeling more love and acceptance. Heart opening is a path to healing that occurs on all levels; physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Breath of Bliss connected breathing creates a physical expansion in your chest.

Your heart rests in the thoracic cavity, which is the rib cage, sternum (breastbone) in the front, and the spine in the back. The bones are connected by muscles, cartilage and part of each rib to the sternum. Your diaphragm, the dome-shaped muscle that separates the heart and lungs...

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Breathfest Featured in Echo Net Daily for Byron Spirit Festival

Breathfest Featured in Echo Net Daily  "Spirit Festival returns in April" announcing Byron Spirit Festival in April 20-22 2018.

"And in a Spirit Festival first, the Australian BreathFest on the Monday following the Festival in association with Breath of Bliss. This will be an opportunity to dive deeply into the transformational power of breathwork!’

Will you be joining us in Byron Bay?

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4 Ways Breathwork Supports Nervous System Health

Has your nervous system ever been highjacked and left you wondering why you can’t get your emotions under control? Has your emotional reaction even been bigger than a situation merited?

Your nervous system controls much of how your body reacts to stress. In turn, the way we move through our day, lives and relationships depends on a healthy, open and resilient nervous system. But most of us haven’t been taught how to take care of this vital part of our well being. We suffer physically, emotionally and mentally because of it. Little do we know that the nervous system, like a muscle, needs training to become strong.

To break that down, in our most natural state when the body experiences stress (activation), we will feel the feelings associated with that activation. Then the body will regulate itself again by coming back to a resting state. When any part of this normal cycle is interrupted, the charge of energy gets ‘stuck’ our bodies. And the charge stuck in our...

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From Army Commando to Breath of Bliss Facilitator - Lucas NicolsonĀ 

Where are they now?

The Breath of Bliss facilitator training is a transformative, life enhancing experience. In this series, we catch up with some former students to find out how the course helped prepare them for a life as a heart-centered leader in the world.

Have you ever stood still when your body wanted to run? Feeling as though all the possibilities of your future are spinning around you and waiting to settle on the direction you take. 

This was how Lucas, a former Army Commando felt when he saw the ‘Breath of Bliss’ flyer pinned to the Byron Bay community notice board. He wanted to find out more, and yet he wanted to run. 

The reaction is a classic one; flight, fight or freeze. In the end, it was curiosity that moved the Afghan veteran, to open the doors to the community hall and join Christabel's Breath workshop happening at Byron Spirit Festival 2016.

“Sometimes, life feels like all the doors are being opened for you.” Lucas...

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Breath of Bliss and Breathfest Featured in Bali Spirit Blog

Check out this gorgeous blog by Bali Spirit Festival about Breath of Bliss and Breathfest. Pictured above is Balinese Breath of Bliss facilitator, Agus Januraka.

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Breathwork Study Report

 Our breathwork study results are in!

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Breathwork Study Results

 Research on Conscious, Connected Breathwork and the Brain

This is the story of how we tested the forthcoming Feel More Ecstasy Online Breathwork Program (due for release August 15) with a group of three people at Zen Brain Lab in Ubud, Bali. Each of the three subjects received brain maps before and after one session and then again after the remaining 9 sessions of the 10 day program to see the results. These videos show what we found. 

The breathwork program included 10 consecutive days, each of which included a masterclass video, ecstatic dance, a heart opening practice and an hour long, lying down conscious connected breath work journey with additional, optional guided meditation and the support of a program e-book. Of course this is just a small scale mini-study, but the results were exciting! We will be doing more research with larger groups in the future, so stay tuned.

Test Results Shown By BrainMaps Included:
• Significant improvement...

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International Breathwork Foundation Features Breath of Bliss and Breathfest in Newsletter

What an honor to be featured in the International Breath Foundation April 2017 newsletter! A report Ana Berenguer.

"This year was the 10th anniversary of the Bali Spirit Festival (BSF). The organisers Meghan Pappenheim, Kadek Gunarta and Robert Weber started the project in 2008 when tourism in Bali was devastated because of the bombings in 2002 and 2005. But they still believed in the potential of the island. Their passion for yoga, dance and music made them put together this event that now gathers thousands of people from all over the world."

BSF is a celebration of yoga, dance, music and healing. First class professionals from the five continents come together to enjoy and share diversity. Many types of yoga are represented. Dance, martial arts and healing music events are going on all day long. Many healers offer private sessions at the venue. There are activities for kids and family. The music program is huge. There is live music all day at Coco Stage. At night this year...

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Finding Leadership Through Ecstatic Breathing

Breath of Bliss founder, Christabel Zamor, featured on Wisdom from North TV while teaching at Bali Spirit Festival, speaking on the power of leadership and ecstatic breath.

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