I was so excited to be invited to present this year at at the IBF - International Breathwork Foundation's annual conference at Joshua Tree, California. It was the first time I've gathered with so many breathwork facilitators and school founders and shared Breath of Bliss in a bigger way with industry leaders. Wow!
Here's a quick video of myself and a team of Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training graduates - Helen, Carla, Andrew and Kristy at my first event.
This is a few moments right after I gave my presentation about the impact of my "I AM PASSION" breathwork audio journey on 3 test subjects who used it for 10 days - who we brainmapped before and after with Dr. Dani from Zen Brain Lab. (Stay tuned for a video fo my talk!)
In this presentation I also shared about my creative process making the audio journey and EVERYONE wanted to do the whole breathwork journey! So here we are spontaneously starting the breathwork journey together... it was amazingly well recieved. What an HONOR to share this incredible piece of somatic art with the global community of breathwork pioneers!
--->CLICK HERE to download your copy and journey with it today
Deep gratitude for the honor of being at this summit of New Earth leaders! If you are a lover of breathwork and haven't yet joined the IBF, join today! Creating a New Earth requires us to collaborate, share and grow together!