With all that has been going on in the collective, how have YOU been feeling?
Ready to feel an OVERFLOW of energy, inspiration and genuine ecstatic bliss?
Today is the feast of Mary Magdalene, "She of 100,000 angels" and we are just emerging from a new moon in Cancer -- so it's a beautiful time to put self care first. Make some time to breathe with your angels and get some coaching about how to raise your vibration.
My angels gave me a big talk this week -- advising me to stop striving to "accomplish" so much and instead to focus on creating pure, empty space for divine healing to occur.
As someone who tends to accelerate to avoid discomfort, I actually had to move through several layers of guilt, shame and "not enoughness" to actually SLOW down enough to receive miracles. Sound familiar?
Today I made a video and I hope it inspires you to honor yourself more fully, to slow down and surrender to the grace that is trying to happen through you.
May you give yourself full permission to take deep breaths, tune in, and honor your intuitive guidance about creating an overflow of energy - so you have something genuine to share!
Want support? Join me Thursdays from 1-3pm PST for online Breath of Bliss ceremonies -- I'll be broadcasting from Hawaii and sharing the Lemurian energy of the oceanic portals here, and we will enjoy singing, dancing, sharing, and an hour long breath journey... let's open to grace together! See you soon.
With love, Christabel