How to have courage to do the impossible in 2023 🎉

Dear Luminary,

As we begin 2023 I would love to empower you to reconsider what you may assume is impossible.

Yes, you can create a life of freedom, pleasure, and bliss! You get lit up with creativity, energy and inspiration every single day.

It is your divine birthright to be surrounded by high-frequency allies who are creating an upward spiral with you. You get to live your life like a "choose your own adventure" story where you are the hero or heroine!

Since announcing I'm moving to Bali, many have asked how I have the "courage" to create such a change.

The truth is that courage is a learnable skill that I train for every day! And you can too!

In this video, I  share my own morning routine and several mindsets that help me get fiercely courageous.

I hope this inspires you to live 2023 full out and finally create your legacy!

I also want to let you know I have incredible high-frequency gifts I'm creating for you coming in the next month so stay tuned...

Kindwhile, keep taking bold actions in service of your dreams.

With all my love from Bali,
