High Vibe Breathwork


Ready for a HIGH VIBE reset? Here's some clips one of our breathers who recorded moments of my last online breathwork broadcast... The August Breath of Bliss Online ceremony series starts this Thursday at 1pm PST (yes there replays!) Join a global group of lightworkers as we bask in the I AM PRESENCE with dance, prayer, celebration, singing and nourishing breath. Here’s a clip from my last ceremony- we always include an oracle card to help you remember your divinity 💗

Click here to register.

I’m SO excited to keep channeling these Lemurian codes of light with you, broadcasting from Hawaii, with so many ascended masters, angels, starbeings, unicorns and the unconditional love of SOURCE supporting us!

You are FREE.



Ps.This is the last month I’m offering this, for now, since I will be focusing on the online Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training in September