
Inspiration for your soul.



The Art of Facilitating Breath Ceremonies with Freya McFarlane

One of our Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training graduate, Tantric Teacher, and Guide --Freya McFarlane-- shares her experience in the training, to being an assistant trainer and mentor, and her journey in ceremony.

Diving into the self, the human experience, and the trauma is a modality for healing. It's a unifying force that she learned from her Facilitator Training. Freya fondly calls it "Angelic Breathwork


In this video we discussed:

  • Building rituals in your day to day life
  • Expressing your artistry and uniqueness 
  • Becoming in touch with your self
  • Process in Facilitating/Breathwork ceremony


Breath is the center point, it's the string that brings everything together. 

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Being A Somatic Oracle with Russell Price

Russell Price shares his wisdom and passion about being a Somatic Oracle. We learn more about connecting and opening up our extra sensory perception, and being more hyper aware of our surroundings. 

In this video we discussed:

  • How to stay regulated
  • Cultivating your self-awareness
  • Sensing and channeling emotions and experiences
  • What aspects you want to cultivate more

I've also announced the 2022 Breathwork Facilitator Training. Click here for more information and updates!

Continue cultivating yourself like a work of art~

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Breath of Bliss Graduate Eirene Facilitates at BREATHFEST Thailand!


[VOLUME UP] Okay, pull out your chair, come to your feet, take some deep breaths and lets M-O-V-E! 

Starting in 2019, all Level 2 Breath of Bliss training graduates have the opportunity to facilitate an an all day breathwork festival open to the public called, BREATHFEST. The whole graduating class works together, in the spirit of selfless service to hold space for this beautiful gathering.

In this clip, Eirene, we approach the end of a long day of breathwork ceremonies... and she unleashes a sweet and uplifting energy in the room with her vivacious, innocent presence.

Stand on up! Push play... swing your body all around... enjoy! 

If you’re inspired by the idea of creating sacred space with ecstatic breath, movement and sound, join us for our next Breath of Bliss Facilitator training happening September 2020 You can save up to $1500 if you register by February 1!

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Breath of Bliss Grad Bosko Facilitates at BREATHFEST Thailand!


[VOLUME UP] Stand up. Take some deep breaths. Move your body. Discover something new.

A brand new element of the Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training is BREATHFEST- an all day free festival for the community facilitated by our program graduates. After a long day with three breathwork ceremonies, we had Bosko Durdic close out the event with this lightly guided movement practice.

Go ahead. Stand up... let yourself be carried by the grooves

If you’re inspired by the idea of creating sacred space with ecstatic breath, movement and sound, join us for our next Breath of Bliss Facilitator training happening September 2020 You can save up to $1500 if you register by February 1!

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Breath of Bliss Graduate Sarah Shares About Breathwork


Watch this GORGEOUS video created by our recent Breath of Bliss Level 2 graduate Sarah Armide sharing about the power of circular, connected breathwork.

It was an honor to have this powerhouse visionary join us... and jawdropping to witness her create this video just a few days after completing the training!

Learn more about Sarah and her upcoming Breath of Bliss offerings in Australia at:

If you're feeling the call to elevate your presence, service and visibility in this way, learn more about our next Group Facilitator Training happening September 2020 in Thailand.

We are calling in the mystics, starseeds and lightworkers to join us in co-creating a New Earth! Will you join us?

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Breath of Bliss Grads Produce Breathfest Thailand!


This was the first year that our Level 2 Breath of Bliss facilitators in training came together to produce a FREE all day breathwork mini-festival for the local community. 

The whole focus was SERVICE. Initiates were encouraged to generate a powerful prayer field to entrain all those attending in a safe and loving space of divinity.

In this video, check out our Australian initiate, Adhi, as she opened the event with an introduction about Breath of Bliss and what it means to her.


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Jhon Speaks to Breath of Bliss Family


Jhon is an elder from the Indonesian island of Papua. He was sent by his people out into the Western world to gather wisdom to bring back to his tribe. 

By some miraculous coincidence, he ended up at my first Breathfest in Bali, a global mobile Breathwork festival. He immediately signed up for our Breath of Bliss facilitator training program and is now sharing Breath of Bliss back on his island with his people and elsewhere in the world.

When we were shooting student videos, Jhon specifically asked to make two additional videos. This is the first one -- for other graduates of the Breath of Bliss program, to inspire them on their mission of the heart....


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2018 Facilitator Graduate Shikoba Shares from Her Heart


Check out this beautiful Facebook Livestream by recent Level 2 graduate Shikoba ;) What an angel!

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From Army Commando to Breath of Bliss Facilitator - Lucas NicolsonĀ 

Where are they now?

The Breath of Bliss facilitator training is a transformative, life enhancing experience. In this series, we catch up with some former students to find out how the course helped prepare them for a life as a heart-centered leader in the world.

Have you ever stood still when your body wanted to run? Feeling as though all the possibilities of your future are spinning around you and waiting to settle on the direction you take. 

This was how Lucas, a former Army Commando felt when he saw the ‘Breath of Bliss’ flyer pinned to the Byron Bay community notice board. He wanted to find out more, and yet he wanted to run. 

The reaction is a classic one; flight, fight or freeze. In the end, it was curiosity that moved the Afghan veteran, to open the doors to the community hall and join Christabel's Breath workshop happening at Byron Spirit Festival 2016.

“Sometimes, life feels like all the doors are being opened for you.” Lucas...

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